How To Vectorize An Image

How to vectorize an image

There are many different ways and software to vectorize images depend on your purpose. Here are some popular ways and software:

Image Vectorization Software:

TensorFlow and Keras

TensorFlow and Keras provide options that have received prior training for image vectorize such as VGG16, ResNet and EfficientNet. You can use their API to take the vector representation from the image. 

TensorFlow and Keras
TensorFlow and Keras


PyTorch is also powerful software for image processing and there are models such as torchvision.models that can be used to vectorize images.


In Photoshop, you can use “Image Trace” tool to convert some Bitmap images to vector objects. Select image and choose “Image” > “Trace” and click on the right one. 


Adobe Illustrator 

Select an image and open the Image Trace table. Choose the appropriate Image Trace settings for the image, including “Mode,” “Threshold,” and “Paths. Click on Image trace to convert an image to vector base on setting selected. Choose “Object” > “Expand” to convert the vector. 


“You can vectorize an image with Inkscape a free downloadable program. Import your image, the go to Path, trace bitmap. Once the image is traced you can ungroup and edit it, then save it as a vector file. Options for saving in Inkscape are limited.”- By uses Henri Gamache 

Vectorize images using online tools


It’s one of the best online tool for vectorize images. Vectormagic has more options about quality of details and colors. 


“I use a program called Vector magic where it will convert images and color photos into vector images that can then be scaled up or down. As far as free there is an online-only version that you pay for each convert or you can purchase a version quite expensive as a stand-alone program to use on your computer.”- By user 


Clariai provides a API to vectorize image. You can upload an image and get a vector representation via API

Google Cloud Vision API

The Google Cloud Vision API allows you to perform many tasks, including getting vector representations from images.

“It’s important to note that not all images can be easily vectorized, especially those with very complex or detailed designs. In such cases, it may be necessary to manually recreate the design in vector format.” By user Hammad Ashraf 

Embedding Model

Word2Vec and Doc2Vec

Originally, Word2Vec and Doc2Vec were designed for text and words. It can be applied to images by convert an image into a form which can processed by the model. 


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